Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Time is now

It would seem that the spirit of entrepreneurship and taking matters into your own hands is alive and doing well. At least that appears to be the case of this town in Northern West Virginia. These people had and still have the right idea about what it takes to survive in an otherwise bleak economy and uncertain world. You don’t wait for someone else to rescue you and hope for a better tomorrow. Why? Because, it is not coming and anyone that is sitting idly by is very disillusioned and will be quite disappointed.

Perhaps other communities can take a lesson from this town. One of the keys is to find new ways to make your life and those around you better. How you ask? By finding what works and do just that. Then at the same time ask yourself what doesn’t work and stop doing those things. There is no quick remedy for a personal recovery. It takes determination, hard work and lots of patience.


Annie said...

Awesome post! Great video!
I'm linking this at!