Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Just Cannot Believe It!

Is there no end to how low things can go? Only a few days ago, I heard that Obama would be delivering three different Commencement speeches in May. Apparently, he has been invited to give one at Arizona State, one at Notre Dame and finally at the U.S. Naval Academy.

Now I do not personally have any interest in hearing him speak about anything ever. Therefore, ordinarily I would let this pass and simply say “Whatever”. In fact, if the civilian universities want him to deliver their commencement speeches so be it. They are welcome to listen to whatever useless dribble or topics he can conjuncture up for them. They are private entities and have the freedom to make those decisions.

But, where I have a problem is his speaking at an institution that has a long history of producing many of the military leaders in America, past and in the future. The people who are graduating have worked hard to achieve their commissioning status and degrees. They will go on over the next few years to serve their country in a variety of capacities. Additionally, they may be called upon to surrender their lives for the cause of freedom. They have earned their day in the light and status.

So, here is my problem. What could Obama possibly speak about that would be of benefit to these young people. He has never served in the military or even been a part of it in any role. There is no way he could understand what their training has meant. He lacks comprehension and experience about the importance of banding together to protect the lives of citizens, those you lead and those who must follow. In all honestly, coming from a military background, I could provide more insight. Yet, even I being a former military member do not feel qualified.

When a speaker attends this function, they need to impart knowledge, wisdom and encouragement for these young people. They, the graduates are about to embark upon a career that requires their all. The graduates’ characters over the last four years has been molded into a leadership role that can be depended upon no matter the situation. Each member endured a tough and regimented amount of training that was forged with discipline, honor, spirit and truth. Something Obama knows nothing about. The so-called Commander-in-chief is not qualified to deliver that speech.

I have heard that the commandant from the U.S. Naval Academy is please that Obama will be delivering the commencement speech. I have my doubts that those are truly his honest feelings. If he does believe what was said he must be a huge supporter of Obama. Nevertheless, I do not think it even matters what the commandant thinks. It is more important what the men and women who are graduating think. I doubt that any of us will ever hear their view about the speaker though. They probably have been given specific instructions not to comment or provide their viewpoint. Even if they were given the opportunity to speak freely, the media would quickly spin their comments in Obama’s favor because that is how one sided it is in today’s society.

Being a former United States military member it sickens me to know Obama will speak at that institution or any other military school in the future. He should not be there!