Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Next Immoral change

Well I guess it was bound to happen eventually. Next school year more colleges and universities are going to allow coed rooming. That’s right student rooming not just coed dorms. At least that is what MSNBC reported the other day according to this story “Coed”. That means that sons and daughters may be living together and sleeping side by side. The education authorities in their infinite wisdom has determined that just because they are different in gender doesn’t mean they should not room together while gaining that higher education.

Therefore, those who choose to do so can room with a friend of the opposite sex. It has been stated that it is all part of the life lessons to be learned while away from home. After all, they are adults and are capable of making wise choices right. I do not think that is necessarily the case for all. Moreover, it is my opinion that morally it is wrong to cohabitate with a person of the opposite sex to whom you are not married. I can foresee all kinds of difficulties arising outside of the moral issues. People can never get totally away from the issue of sex between a male and female. Mark my word, there is going to be trouble with this one. Some day, a male is going to take advantage of his female roommate for whatever reason. On the other hand, perhaps the female in this type of situation will accuse her male roommate of rape. It is going to happen and not because I say it but because it is just the way society rolls in the world we live in.

I can see nothing-good coming from this open attitude of rooming. The military had it right when I roomed in the barracks while in the Air Force. Provide separate living spaces for each gender, allow visits only during set hours and then police those areas constantly. That way, if people were going to be stupid it was going to happen because they broke the rules. I just think some things should always remain sacred.