Friday, April 25, 2008

Rubik's Cube

Ok let’s all face it, there has been a time or two that we have all tried to solve this crazy thing. During my early twenties, I actually could solve it within a fair amount of time. I wasn't able to do so with any kind of lightning speed or participate in a competition but I did okay. I got started during that time when I was in the Air Force. That's how some of us in the office I worked in passed the time when things were slow. Great use of tax dollars, huh!

As time made its way into the future, I forgot how to solve it, even though I still had written instructions. Then one day my daughter was convinced that she could unscramble it and put it back the way it was. That didn't work out so well. So, for a few years it remained unsolved.

About a year ago, I finally decided to search the internet for easy solving instructions. Heck, the internet has everything right. I managed to find just what I needed and put it back into a solved position. Since then I haven't touched it or allowed anyone else to attempt to unscramble it.

Remember I said I was in my twenties when I first learned to solve it. Well, the kid in this video put my solving technique to shame. But, that’s what happens sometimes. Take a look at this video, he is fast and rarely bats an eye while solving the Rubik’s Cube.