Sunday, July 27, 2008

The joy of traveling

Well, I guess it has been a while since my last post. Working an hour’s drive one-way from home can use up a lot of time in a persons life. That’s my case, at least in a temporary status. Tomorrow I will be interviewing for the job I’m doing on a permanent basis. I’ll give it my best but I am tired of hoping and caring about things that are truly out of my control. The best I have to offer them is my record of accomplishments, skills, education and abilities that have grown over my working life. However, really it is in God’s hands.

Anyway, I recently acquired a new item that I really enjoy using. It is this Sansa mp3 player. I use it to listen to a lot of pod casts on my daily journey to and from work. As I said, it takes an hour to get there. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to get home because traffic is usually heavy. I can only imagine what it will be like once you add in the winter conditions. You know the snow and ice and make the road conditions unpredictable. Therefore, at least now I get to select what I want to listen to without burning multiple CDs and switching them in and out.

I really like this thing and think that I’ll get a lot of great use from it.


Annie said... probably never thought about might even be able to find some Elvis tunes and listen to them at night before you fall asleep.
Well, scratch that... you wouldn't want to keep your spousal unit awake by twitching and doing horizontal air-karate moves. Not that you would, or anything.